If You Spot A Black-And-Red Buoy In The Sea, Know That Danger May Lurk Below

How many different colored buoys have you seen in your lifetime? Tons, right? Well, besides being a pretty pop of color bobbing up and down in the water, they’re actually pretty important — with each one having a specific hidden meaning. One thing you must know, though, is that if you see a red-and-black one, there’s something dangerous lurking below the water.

A critical warning sign

It’s actually a very good thing they’re so hard to miss. Though the same can be said for all buoys, really. The different shapes and colors are used to convey important messages to those who spend time in the water. Even so, you should pay particular attention to any that are red and black.

When it comes to buoys, knowledge is power

Why’s this relevant to you? Well, the buoys are essentially the traffic signs of the ocean. And regardless of how much you enjoy the water, you should probably know what these buoys mean. You never know when the knowledge will come in handy. It could help to keep you safe next time you're at sea.

The secret is in the colors

Instead of displaying words, numbers, or symbols, the buoys use colors to great effect. And imagine jumping in a car and not understanding what an important sign means. Things could get pretty dangerous. It’s exactly the same thing with the buoys in the water!

A crash course on buoys

Plus, once you come to understand the buoys, your time traversing the ocean will be a lot easier. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry: we’ve got you covered. And yes, we’ll also explain what lurks below the red-and-black ones.